Why they don't believe your offer (and how to fix it TODAY)

Why they don't believe your offer (and how to fix it TODAY)

May 3

2 days ago I hosted my first ever Spaces on X.

Me, Aidan Labrache, Brandon Storey, Brian Maierhofer and Michael Daigler.

Or, as we like to call ourselves…

The Xnights of the Roundtable

(Brian gets all the credit for that one - fucking genius hahaha)

We talked about a lot of stuff:

  1. How to not get replaced by AI
  2. How to avoid burnout as a creator
  3. How to stand out on the timeline (and not make people want to gauge their eyes out with a fork when they see their 173rd “you don’t need more time, you need to use your time better” post of the day…)

And while all that stuff was cool…

…there was one topic in particular which really stood out to me:

The ONE reason most people’s offer sucks (and how to fix it)

Because whenever I go on X now, here’s what I see…

“I’ll add $5,000 to your business in the next 90 days - or you don’t pay.”

“I’ll get you 20+ warm leads in the next 60 days without you having to lift a finger - or you don’t pay.”

“I’ll increase your email revenue by 20% in the next 30 days - or you don’t pay.”

Which, don’t get me wrong, are all GREAT offers.

Who the fuck wouldn’t want that, amirite?

These people have listened to the “sell the outcome” line, they’ve taken it onboard and they’ve spammed it all over Twitter (and, I assume, their email list).

But here’s the problem…

No-one’s biting.

No-one’s interested.

They haven’t made a single dollar online.

And, as we discussed on the Spaces chat, the reason for this is very simple:

People don’t BELIEVE you can deliver

Despite having a sexy outcome.

Despite having an “or you don’t pay” guarantee.

Despite pulling their pants down, bending over, offering to let their clients absolutely have their way with them (and then run away scot free…)

They still can’t land a client!

And that’s what I want the topic of today’s email to be about.

Because, quite frankly, having a “big promise” isn’t enough.

Anyone can make an “I’ll add $10k to your business in 90 days” claim.

But the real thing your offer needs?

The true way to land clients?

The thing that separates the good offers from the downright shite?

It all comes down to one word.



If no-one’s accepting your look at your offer right now, it’s because they see what you’re promising and they think to themselves:


They don’t trust you.

They don’t believe you.

And, as a result, they sure as hell ain’t gonna pay you.

Which then begs the question…

How do I make someone trust me?

Well, in my mind, there’s only TWO ways to make someone believe you can deliver on your promise:

Option #1: Past results

Option #2: Promise Proof (I’ll explain this in a minute…)

Now, if you have past results, that’s great.

Case studies.


Screenshots of client wins.

No doubt about it - that shit is 100% the best way to convince someone you know what you’re doing and aren’t about to fuck off to Guatemala the minute the Stripe payment comes through.

But what if you don’t have any past results?

What if you haven’t worked with anyone yet?

What if you’re just looking to land that first big client so you can get that win under your belt and finally say “hey mum, look, I made some internet money!!!”

Well, then you’ve come to the right place today.

Because I’m about to show you EXACTLY how you can turn your offer (which currently looks about as real as Pamela Anderson’s left boob) into something your prospects actually believe.

And it’s actually very simple…

Want people to believe your offer (without any past results)?

You need to start using Promise Proof.

What’s Promise Proof?

Glad you asked.

I’m going to illustrate it with an analogy (that is, after all, how you write good content, right?)


Let’s say me and you are going on a day trip.

And we’ve each got one job:

I’m sorting out everything we need to bring (our spades, our swimming trunks, our bloody packed lunch boxes).

And you’re in charge of logistics - namely, getting us there.

In other words…

I’m providing all the “capital” for trip.

And you’re the one that’s making the trip happen.

A bit like how your future clients will be providing all the capital (i.e. money) and you’ll be in charge of getting them to where they want to go.

Except there’s a problem…

Whenever I ask you:

“Hey, mate - how are we actually getting to this beach? Are we driving? Do you have a map? Do you know the way?”

You just start spouting off about how amazing the beach is gonna be.

You talk about the sunshine.

You talk about eating ice creams on the sea front.

You talk about building a massive, fat off sandcastle that will absolutely embarrass all the puny 6 year old’s efforts.

But you don’t tell me HOW we’re going to get there in the first place.

And, as a result, I start to lose faith in this whole charade.

You keep talking about how amazing the beach is gonna be - and it does sound amazing (you’re a great storyteller, after all) - but you’re still not telling me how the fuck we’re gonna get there!

This goes on for a while and sooner or later I say to myself:

“You know what, fuck this. This guy’s got no clue how we’re gonna get to the beach. I’m gonna find someone else to take me.”

I go and find someone else.

I have an amazing time at the beach with them.

And you lose out on what could have been an amazing day (with all the beach “capital” I would’ve provided you).


Unless you have been cursed with the IQ of the cave troll they let into Hogwarts in the first Harry Potter film, I hope you see the analogy I’m making here.

Because just like I lost faith in you in this beach trip…

…the main reason your prospects are losing faith in you is because you’re promising them the world, but you’re not showing them HOW you can get them there.

And that’s your downfall.

That’s why your offer is falling flat.

That’s why no-one seems interested in what you can do for them.

So I tell you what…

If you really are fed up.

If you really want to stop getting ignored.

And if you really are ready to land your first client.

Then here’s what I want you to do:

The next time you find someone that fits your ICP, I want you to think of:

  1. Every single micro-action you’ll take to deliver on this promise
  2. How each micro-action contributes to your promise
  3. Why you, and you alone, are best suited to fulfil this

And then I want you to explain this all in EXCRUCIATING detail to whoever you’re talking to as a potential client.

Lay it all out.

Give them the full roadmap.

Explain the exact steps you would take if they’d be so kind as work with you.

You do that?

And you will be 10000000x more likely to land a client than you are today.

And again, just to make this all a little less “abstract”…

Let’s say you’re ghostwriting for someone.

Well, then you don’t just tell them “I’m going to get you 500+ new followers.”

You explain:

  1. What your tweets are going to focus on
  2. Why you’ll be focusing on those topics
  3. How this aligns with the goals your client has for their brand

In short:

Do your research.

Become a problem solver.

Stop pitching generic, templated offers with no substance.

And start using Promise Proof to show you actually know how to get the person from A → B.


That’s me done for the day guys.

Talk soon,


PS. I built a $15k/month brand in 6 months.

Want to do the same?

Join 2,300+ creators here: The Beadle Newsletter

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Harry Beadle
Harry Beadle

Harry is the founder and creator for the site. His aim is to help you achieve mastery of your life through physical fitness, financial independence, optimising your lifestyle and productivity, and developing a top 1% male mindset and confidence.

Why they don't believe your offer (and how to fix it TODAY)

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Why they don't believe your offer (and how to fix it TODAY)

May 3, 2024

2 days ago I hosted my first ever Spaces on X.

Me, Aidan Labrache, Brandon Storey, Brian Maierhofer and Michael Daigler.

Or, as we like to call ourselves…

The Xnights of the Roundtable

(Brian gets all the credit for that one - fucking genius hahaha)

We talked about a lot of stuff:

  1. How to not get replaced by AI
  2. How to avoid burnout as a creator
  3. How to stand out on the timeline (and not make people want to gauge their eyes out with a fork when they see their 173rd “you don’t need more time, you need to use your time better” post of the day…)

And while all that stuff was cool…

…there was one topic in particular which really stood out to me:

The ONE reason most people’s offer sucks (and how to fix it)

Because whenever I go on X now, here’s what I see…

“I’ll add $5,000 to your business in the next 90 days - or you don’t pay.”

“I’ll get you 20+ warm leads in the next 60 days without you having to lift a finger - or you don’t pay.”

“I’ll increase your email revenue by 20% in the next 30 days - or you don’t pay.”

Which, don’t get me wrong, are all GREAT offers.

Who the fuck wouldn’t want that, amirite?

These people have listened to the “sell the outcome” line, they’ve taken it onboard and they’ve spammed it all over Twitter (and, I assume, their email list).

But here’s the problem…

No-one’s biting.

No-one’s interested.

They haven’t made a single dollar online.

And, as we discussed on the Spaces chat, the reason for this is very simple:

People don’t BELIEVE you can deliver

Despite having a sexy outcome.

Despite having an “or you don’t pay” guarantee.

Despite pulling their pants down, bending over, offering to let their clients absolutely have their way with them (and then run away scot free…)

They still can’t land a client!

And that’s what I want the topic of today’s email to be about.

Because, quite frankly, having a “big promise” isn’t enough.

Anyone can make an “I’ll add $10k to your business in 90 days” claim.

But the real thing your offer needs?

The true way to land clients?

The thing that separates the good offers from the downright shite?

It all comes down to one word.



If no-one’s accepting your look at your offer right now, it’s because they see what you’re promising and they think to themselves:


They don’t trust you.

They don’t believe you.

And, as a result, they sure as hell ain’t gonna pay you.

Which then begs the question…

How do I make someone trust me?

Well, in my mind, there’s only TWO ways to make someone believe you can deliver on your promise:

Option #1: Past results

Option #2: Promise Proof (I’ll explain this in a minute…)

Now, if you have past results, that’s great.

Case studies.


Screenshots of client wins.

No doubt about it - that shit is 100% the best way to convince someone you know what you’re doing and aren’t about to fuck off to Guatemala the minute the Stripe payment comes through.

But what if you don’t have any past results?

What if you haven’t worked with anyone yet?

What if you’re just looking to land that first big client so you can get that win under your belt and finally say “hey mum, look, I made some internet money!!!”

Well, then you’ve come to the right place today.

Because I’m about to show you EXACTLY how you can turn your offer (which currently looks about as real as Pamela Anderson’s left boob) into something your prospects actually believe.

And it’s actually very simple…

Want people to believe your offer (without any past results)?

You need to start using Promise Proof.

What’s Promise Proof?

Glad you asked.

I’m going to illustrate it with an analogy (that is, after all, how you write good content, right?)


Let’s say me and you are going on a day trip.

And we’ve each got one job:

I’m sorting out everything we need to bring (our spades, our swimming trunks, our bloody packed lunch boxes).

And you’re in charge of logistics - namely, getting us there.

In other words…

I’m providing all the “capital” for trip.

And you’re the one that’s making the trip happen.

A bit like how your future clients will be providing all the capital (i.e. money) and you’ll be in charge of getting them to where they want to go.

Except there’s a problem…

Whenever I ask you:

“Hey, mate - how are we actually getting to this beach? Are we driving? Do you have a map? Do you know the way?”

You just start spouting off about how amazing the beach is gonna be.

You talk about the sunshine.

You talk about eating ice creams on the sea front.

You talk about building a massive, fat off sandcastle that will absolutely embarrass all the puny 6 year old’s efforts.

But you don’t tell me HOW we’re going to get there in the first place.

And, as a result, I start to lose faith in this whole charade.

You keep talking about how amazing the beach is gonna be - and it does sound amazing (you’re a great storyteller, after all) - but you’re still not telling me how the fuck we’re gonna get there!

This goes on for a while and sooner or later I say to myself:

“You know what, fuck this. This guy’s got no clue how we’re gonna get to the beach. I’m gonna find someone else to take me.”

I go and find someone else.

I have an amazing time at the beach with them.

And you lose out on what could have been an amazing day (with all the beach “capital” I would’ve provided you).


Unless you have been cursed with the IQ of the cave troll they let into Hogwarts in the first Harry Potter film, I hope you see the analogy I’m making here.

Because just like I lost faith in you in this beach trip…

…the main reason your prospects are losing faith in you is because you’re promising them the world, but you’re not showing them HOW you can get them there.

And that’s your downfall.

That’s why your offer is falling flat.

That’s why no-one seems interested in what you can do for them.

So I tell you what…

If you really are fed up.

If you really want to stop getting ignored.

And if you really are ready to land your first client.

Then here’s what I want you to do:

The next time you find someone that fits your ICP, I want you to think of:

  1. Every single micro-action you’ll take to deliver on this promise
  2. How each micro-action contributes to your promise
  3. Why you, and you alone, are best suited to fulfil this

And then I want you to explain this all in EXCRUCIATING detail to whoever you’re talking to as a potential client.

Lay it all out.

Give them the full roadmap.

Explain the exact steps you would take if they’d be so kind as work with you.

You do that?

And you will be 10000000x more likely to land a client than you are today.

And again, just to make this all a little less “abstract”…

Let’s say you’re ghostwriting for someone.

Well, then you don’t just tell them “I’m going to get you 500+ new followers.”

You explain:

  1. What your tweets are going to focus on
  2. Why you’ll be focusing on those topics
  3. How this aligns with the goals your client has for their brand

In short:

Do your research.

Become a problem solver.

Stop pitching generic, templated offers with no substance.

And start using Promise Proof to show you actually know how to get the person from A → B.


That’s me done for the day guys.

Talk soon,


PS. I built a $15k/month brand in 6 months.

Want to do the same?

Join 2,300+ creators here: The Beadle Newsletter

Harry Beadle