How to earn your first dollar online in the next 24 hours (even if you have zero experience)

How to earn your first dollar online in the next 24 hours (even if you have zero experience)

Apr 30

"How do I land my first client."

Probably the most common question I get asked.

So I figured I'd give you a simple and foolproof way to do that today.

In fact, in the next 2 minutes I’m going to show you how to:

  1. Earn your first dollar online in the next 24 hours (zero cold DMs required)
  2. Become a top 1% authority in your niche (even if you have no prior experience)
  3. Get dozens of warm leads and turn them into $500-$1,000 clients (without having to "sell" them)

All in the next 14-30 days.

And it all revolves around what I call the “double dollar” system.

Now, to make this system easier to understand, I’m going to use the example of an email marketer throughout.


This system will apply to ANY service (ghostwriting, copywriting, coaching etc.).

And I’ll show you how at the end of this post.

But just before we kick off…

Read until the end because I’m going to show you

How to turn $1 into (potentially) $1,000s


Prelude over.

Let's dive in...

Step 0: Set up a account

Landing clients is 80% social proof.

The more case studies, testimonials and glowing reviews you have, the easier your life will be.

So you need somewhere to collect these.

I recommend because it has an awesome “Wall of Love” feature which looks professional AF when you stick it on your site. (It’s free, don’t worry…)

Next, we need to sell our soul…

Step 1: “Come and get it! It’s FREEEEEEE!!!!”

If you’re just starting out in the online space, you have ZERO authority right now.

So you need to start building it ASAP.

Free work is the quickest way to do this.

(I did 15+ FREE 1:1 strategy calls before I made a single dollar online).

So, you’re going to pimp yourself out for free too.

Here’s how this works (as an email marketer):

  1. Email your list
  2. Offer to write a FREE welcome email
  3. Ask them to reply with “Welcome” if they’re interested
  4. Tell them all you want is positive testimonial (provided they like your work)

If you don’t have a newsletter yet (or you have less than 50 subs), pitch this offer on X instead.

Continue to pitch this offer every day until someone replies.

Step 2: Taking a leaf out of Hormozi’s book

Even though it’s free work, you want to impress the fuck out of this person.

You basically want them saying “fuck me, if this is how good their FREE stuff is, how good must his paid work be?!?”

So here’s what you’re gonna do:

  1. Study the person’s content (emails, tweets etc.)
  2. Write a welcome email which fits their brand image
  3. Send them the first draft
  4. Ask them if they would like any changes
  5. Iterate based on their feedback
  6. Send them over the final version
  7. Collect the testimonial from them on

Next, you’re going to leverage the fuck out of this testimonial…

Step 3: Earning your first dollar

Social proof (e.g. testimonials) is the easiest way to sell your work.

So here’s what you’re going to do:

  1. Replace your pinned tweet with this welcome email
  2. Screenshot your testimonial
  3. Email your list andsome text
    1. Pitch the same offer
    2. Ask for $1 now
    3. Link your pinned tweet so they can see your work
    4. Tell people to reply with “Dollar” if they’re interested
  4. Write a post on X where you:
    1. Pitch the same offer
    2. Ask for $1
    3. Link your pinned tweet in the comments so people can see your work
    4. Tell people to DM you with “Dollar” if they’re interested

Repeat this pitch every day until someone accepts.

Once they do, send them a Stripe/Paypal link.


You just made your first dollar online. (Go buy yourself a Freddo).

But we aren’t done yet…

Step 4: Double your money

Now you’re going to repeat steps 2 and 3 above:

  1. Do the work
  2. Collect the testimonial
  3. Slap your offer and proof of competency in everyone’s face

But with one key change…

Instead of asking for $1, now you’re going to ask for $2.

And you’re going to continue pitching this offer every single day until someone new bites.

After that, it’s simply a case of putting in the reps…

Step 5: Rinse and repeat

Now the process is very simple:

  1. Pitch your offer every day
  2. Get someone to accept
  3. Do the work
  4. Collect their testimonial
  5. Pitch your new offer and DOUBLE the price ($2 → $4 → $8 → $16 → …)
  6. Rinse and repeat

If you can do this 10 times, you’ll soon be earning $100 per email.  

But, obviously, this gravy train can’t go on forever…

Step 6: Find your “biting” point

Since you’re doubling your price every time, at some point people will stop biting.

(Otherwise you’d soon be earning $100,000s every email…)

It will likely cap out around the $50-100 mark (depending on your authority and skill level).

Once you’ve pitched the same price for 7+ days in a row and no-one has bitten, you’ve found your “value” in the market.

Let’s say people stop biting at $128.

Well, then you halve your price to the previous level ($64) and pitch there until you get a new buyer.

Then, once you’ve gotten another client at $64, you move back up to $128 and give it another go there for 7 days.

And at this point you might be thinking…

“Great, but I don’t want to get trapped writing one-off emails for the rest of my life. I want stable, recurring income so I can quit this miserable fucking 9-5 and finally get some freedom!!!”

And if that’s what you’re thinking, then I’m glad you stuck around til the end of this email.

Because I’m going to show you exactly how to turn these one-off pieces of work into $1,000+ clients…

Step 7: Buyers buy again

Selling to new customers is hard AF (your success rate will be maybe 5%-10%).

But selling to existing customers? Much easier (your success rate could easily be 50% or more).


Because they trust you now!

You’ve proven your competency.

You’ve shown them you can deliver.

And, as a result, they have 100x more trust in you than any other fucker on X.

So now you need to leverage that trust into bigger and better things…

Every time you complete one of these “one-off” emails for a client, you’re going to “upsell” them.

How do you do this?

Ask them questions about:

  1. What they’re currently working on
  2. What they’re currently struggling with
  3. What their current bottlenecks are (time, skill etc.)

Probe, question and dig until you find another area you could help their business.

I also like to have an “explore” through their funnel myself…

  1. Do they have a welcome sequence?
  2. Does their newsletter landing page suck?
  3. Are they struggling to find the time to write their newsletter?

Whatever "gaps" you spot, that's what you'll build your offer around.

Except this time your offer isn’t for $1, $2, or even $4.

After all, this time you’re solving a much “bigger” problem than a simple welcome email.

And so this time you’ll be offering your services for $500-$1,000.

I don’t have time to go into how to pitch this offer in this email (I’ve already pumped out a billion emails about offers in the past).

But just remember the number one rule…

Pitch the outcome. 

Do NOT pitch the service.

E.g. If you’re “selling” someone on a welcome sequence, don’t sell them with “I’ll build you a welcome sequence”. Sell them with what the welcome sequence gets them: more newsletter subs, more revenue etc. 

And the reason I love this double dollar system is because it works for almost any service.

Here’s just a few examples you might find useful:


One-off offer: pinned tweet, blog post or welcome email.

Upsells: Build a lead magnet, write a welcome sequence or write their content full-time.


One-off offer: welcome email.

Upsells: Build a lead magnet, write a welcome sequence, rewrite their landing page or rewrite their sales page.


One-off offer: 1:1 strategy call (60 min)

Upsell: 30-90 day coaching program

The possibilities are endless.

And there’s no hard-and-fast rule here. 

So get creative.

Weasel your way in.

And use this fucking awesome method to start making some damn money.

If you actually follow this plan, I guarantee you are giving yourself the best chance possible of landing your first $500-$1,000 client in the next 14-30 days.

(Of course, 99% of the people reading this aren't going to do a fucking thing so I'm not sure why I bothered, lol).

But anyways, that's me done for today.

Talk soon,


PS. I build a $15k/month personal brand in 6 months.

Want to do the same?

Join 2,300+ creators here: The "Fuck it" News.

No items found.
Harry Beadle
Harry Beadle

Harry is the founder and creator for the site. His aim is to help you achieve mastery of your life through physical fitness, financial independence, optimising your lifestyle and productivity, and developing a top 1% male mindset and confidence.

How to earn your first dollar online in the next 24 hours (even if you have zero experience)

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How to earn your first dollar online in the next 24 hours (even if you have zero experience)

April 30, 2024

"How do I land my first client."

Probably the most common question I get asked.

So I figured I'd give you a simple and foolproof way to do that today.

In fact, in the next 2 minutes I’m going to show you how to:

  1. Earn your first dollar online in the next 24 hours (zero cold DMs required)
  2. Become a top 1% authority in your niche (even if you have no prior experience)
  3. Get dozens of warm leads and turn them into $500-$1,000 clients (without having to "sell" them)

All in the next 14-30 days.

And it all revolves around what I call the “double dollar” system.

Now, to make this system easier to understand, I’m going to use the example of an email marketer throughout.


This system will apply to ANY service (ghostwriting, copywriting, coaching etc.).

And I’ll show you how at the end of this post.

But just before we kick off…

Read until the end because I’m going to show you

How to turn $1 into (potentially) $1,000s


Prelude over.

Let's dive in...

Step 0: Set up a account

Landing clients is 80% social proof.

The more case studies, testimonials and glowing reviews you have, the easier your life will be.

So you need somewhere to collect these.

I recommend because it has an awesome “Wall of Love” feature which looks professional AF when you stick it on your site. (It’s free, don’t worry…)

Next, we need to sell our soul…

Step 1: “Come and get it! It’s FREEEEEEE!!!!”

If you’re just starting out in the online space, you have ZERO authority right now.

So you need to start building it ASAP.

Free work is the quickest way to do this.

(I did 15+ FREE 1:1 strategy calls before I made a single dollar online).

So, you’re going to pimp yourself out for free too.

Here’s how this works (as an email marketer):

  1. Email your list
  2. Offer to write a FREE welcome email
  3. Ask them to reply with “Welcome” if they’re interested
  4. Tell them all you want is positive testimonial (provided they like your work)

If you don’t have a newsletter yet (or you have less than 50 subs), pitch this offer on X instead.

Continue to pitch this offer every day until someone replies.

Step 2: Taking a leaf out of Hormozi’s book

Even though it’s free work, you want to impress the fuck out of this person.

You basically want them saying “fuck me, if this is how good their FREE stuff is, how good must his paid work be?!?”

So here’s what you’re gonna do:

  1. Study the person’s content (emails, tweets etc.)
  2. Write a welcome email which fits their brand image
  3. Send them the first draft
  4. Ask them if they would like any changes
  5. Iterate based on their feedback
  6. Send them over the final version
  7. Collect the testimonial from them on

Next, you’re going to leverage the fuck out of this testimonial…

Step 3: Earning your first dollar

Social proof (e.g. testimonials) is the easiest way to sell your work.

So here’s what you’re going to do:

  1. Replace your pinned tweet with this welcome email
  2. Screenshot your testimonial
  3. Email your list andsome text
    1. Pitch the same offer
    2. Ask for $1 now
    3. Link your pinned tweet so they can see your work
    4. Tell people to reply with “Dollar” if they’re interested
  4. Write a post on X where you:
    1. Pitch the same offer
    2. Ask for $1
    3. Link your pinned tweet in the comments so people can see your work
    4. Tell people to DM you with “Dollar” if they’re interested

Repeat this pitch every day until someone accepts.

Once they do, send them a Stripe/Paypal link.


You just made your first dollar online. (Go buy yourself a Freddo).

But we aren’t done yet…

Step 4: Double your money

Now you’re going to repeat steps 2 and 3 above:

  1. Do the work
  2. Collect the testimonial
  3. Slap your offer and proof of competency in everyone’s face

But with one key change…

Instead of asking for $1, now you’re going to ask for $2.

And you’re going to continue pitching this offer every single day until someone new bites.

After that, it’s simply a case of putting in the reps…

Step 5: Rinse and repeat

Now the process is very simple:

  1. Pitch your offer every day
  2. Get someone to accept
  3. Do the work
  4. Collect their testimonial
  5. Pitch your new offer and DOUBLE the price ($2 → $4 → $8 → $16 → …)
  6. Rinse and repeat

If you can do this 10 times, you’ll soon be earning $100 per email.  

But, obviously, this gravy train can’t go on forever…

Step 6: Find your “biting” point

Since you’re doubling your price every time, at some point people will stop biting.

(Otherwise you’d soon be earning $100,000s every email…)

It will likely cap out around the $50-100 mark (depending on your authority and skill level).

Once you’ve pitched the same price for 7+ days in a row and no-one has bitten, you’ve found your “value” in the market.

Let’s say people stop biting at $128.

Well, then you halve your price to the previous level ($64) and pitch there until you get a new buyer.

Then, once you’ve gotten another client at $64, you move back up to $128 and give it another go there for 7 days.

And at this point you might be thinking…

“Great, but I don’t want to get trapped writing one-off emails for the rest of my life. I want stable, recurring income so I can quit this miserable fucking 9-5 and finally get some freedom!!!”

And if that’s what you’re thinking, then I’m glad you stuck around til the end of this email.

Because I’m going to show you exactly how to turn these one-off pieces of work into $1,000+ clients…

Step 7: Buyers buy again

Selling to new customers is hard AF (your success rate will be maybe 5%-10%).

But selling to existing customers? Much easier (your success rate could easily be 50% or more).


Because they trust you now!

You’ve proven your competency.

You’ve shown them you can deliver.

And, as a result, they have 100x more trust in you than any other fucker on X.

So now you need to leverage that trust into bigger and better things…

Every time you complete one of these “one-off” emails for a client, you’re going to “upsell” them.

How do you do this?

Ask them questions about:

  1. What they’re currently working on
  2. What they’re currently struggling with
  3. What their current bottlenecks are (time, skill etc.)

Probe, question and dig until you find another area you could help their business.

I also like to have an “explore” through their funnel myself…

  1. Do they have a welcome sequence?
  2. Does their newsletter landing page suck?
  3. Are they struggling to find the time to write their newsletter?

Whatever "gaps" you spot, that's what you'll build your offer around.

Except this time your offer isn’t for $1, $2, or even $4.

After all, this time you’re solving a much “bigger” problem than a simple welcome email.

And so this time you’ll be offering your services for $500-$1,000.

I don’t have time to go into how to pitch this offer in this email (I’ve already pumped out a billion emails about offers in the past).

But just remember the number one rule…

Pitch the outcome. 

Do NOT pitch the service.

E.g. If you’re “selling” someone on a welcome sequence, don’t sell them with “I’ll build you a welcome sequence”. Sell them with what the welcome sequence gets them: more newsletter subs, more revenue etc. 

And the reason I love this double dollar system is because it works for almost any service.

Here’s just a few examples you might find useful:


One-off offer: pinned tweet, blog post or welcome email.

Upsells: Build a lead magnet, write a welcome sequence or write their content full-time.


One-off offer: welcome email.

Upsells: Build a lead magnet, write a welcome sequence, rewrite their landing page or rewrite their sales page.


One-off offer: 1:1 strategy call (60 min)

Upsell: 30-90 day coaching program

The possibilities are endless.

And there’s no hard-and-fast rule here. 

So get creative.

Weasel your way in.

And use this fucking awesome method to start making some damn money.

If you actually follow this plan, I guarantee you are giving yourself the best chance possible of landing your first $500-$1,000 client in the next 14-30 days.

(Of course, 99% of the people reading this aren't going to do a fucking thing so I'm not sure why I bothered, lol).

But anyways, that's me done for today.

Talk soon,


PS. I build a $15k/month personal brand in 6 months.

Want to do the same?

Join 2,300+ creators here: The "Fuck it" News.

Harry Beadle