The Beadle Newsletter

Self-starters, creators and 9-5 haters. What if you could...

Give your boss the
finger and finally
build your own thing.

Quit my $150k/yr job. Built a $15k/mo personal brand in 6 months. Join 2,300+ creators learning how to do the same...

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PS. Do not sign up if you have a weak stomach for profanity, mindfucking metaphors or are scared to take control of your own life.


Monetize Your Story

Extensive resources on copywriting, marketing and sales to help you design your ideal life.

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How to sell with "un-actualised" regret

"If you present a solution before someone feels a need for it, they don’t bite (people don’t buy pizzas when they aren’t hungry). Second, by delaying our “offer”, we minimise the time the person feels like they are being “sold” on something. Win win."
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Aug 30, 2024
Who are you fighting against?

Anti-positioning: The key to building a unique brand

Think of this as a chess game. You sacrifice a piece (i.e. you accept you’re gonna piss a few people off). But that sacrifice allows you to make the “big” move and check the King.
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Harry Beadle
Aug 1, 2024

The (honest) cure for writer's block

"You’ll think of everything that could go wrong. You’ll hear all the voices in your head, playing on repeat like a broken record, telling you what you should do. You’ll stare, confused, at the 173 things you’ve just scribbled down on the page that was once white, but is now a messy collage of red, blue and black. And none of it will mean a damn thing."
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Harry Beadle
Jul 31, 2024
Hurling truth bombs

Why these 3 "virtual" creators are utterly fucked (but why there's still hope...)

"No-one wants to utter a single PEEP for fear of further dismissal. But hold on… There is ONE brave soldier ready to offer up his neck for the “chop”. In fact, is that… can that be right? Yes! It’s… YOU!"
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Harry Beadle
Jul 18, 2024
This will make you question everything you ever thought about writing or "brand"

The Little White Pill (and the beginning of a mindf*cking adventure into what REALLY makes a personal brand)

"You take another glance around.Fluorescent T-Shirts. Girls on people’s shoulders. The golden orange sunset in the distance.And now the beat is kicking in.Screw it. You paid $250 for this ticket. And you’re only here once. Fuck it — gimme the damn thing.”
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Harry Beadle
Jul 17, 2024
A creator's perspective

8 months of insights into what's REALLY waiting for you as an entrepreneur

You’re in the middle of the forest. No-one’s around to show you the way. And all you want to do is give up this stupid game that causes you nothing but stress, headaches and is even starting to make it difficult to sleep at night because… the words you didn’t get down on the page today are now whirring infront of your closed eyes like broken lines of computer code.
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Harry Beadle
Jul 11, 2024

Hey, I'm Harry.
I quickly realised the traditional 9-5 life was a load of bollocks.

So I decided to do something about it.

4 months later?

I had a $10k/month personal brand, quit my job and now spend every day getting paid to do what I love: writing dope content and teaching other people how to become full-time creators.

Want the same for yourself?

Drop me a line here: harrybeadle@harrybeadle (I'll get back to you in under 24 hours).

Let's build you an un-fucking-deniable personal brand.